Uwereadopted's Application

Quote:Character Information
Armory Link: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/charac...ereadopted
BattleTag: Eatacrit#2525
Class: Mage
Spec / Offspec: Fire/Frost/Arcane
Microphone / Reliable Internet: Yes

Quote:Raid Related
Can you make all our raid days?

Yes, they suit me very well

Do you have any logs we can take a look at?


I just came back to wow and started playing mage. My brother transfered the mage to me and I am improving alot every day.

I am also gonna post my old logs from my Warlock and SP so you can see that I got what it takes.



What are your previous raid experiences in Legion and other expansions?

It was TBC that really awake a spark inside me. I went to my first raid ever, Kharazan. It was amazing. I absolutely loved it. So I will from now on just list up my achievements in raiding.

Kharazan: 11/11
Maghteridon's Lair: 1/1
Gruul's Lair: 2/2
Serpentshrine Cavern: 6/6
Tempest Keep: 4/4
The Battle for Mount Hyjaal: 4/4
Black Tempel: 8/9 - 9/9 after nerf
Sunwell Plateu: 8/8
Zul Aman: 6/6

Wrath of the Lich king:
Vault of Archavon: 4/4
Naxxramas: 15/15 - Accomplished both "The Undying" and "The Immortal" title.
Obsidian Sanctum: 1/1 - Accomlished it with 3 drakes up aswell
The Eye of Eternity: 1/1 - Accomplished the achievement "You dont have an eternity" that was to kill Malygos within 6 minutes.
Ulduar: 14/14 - 9/10 on Hard mode
Onyxia's Lair: 1/1
The trial of the grand crusader: 5/5 HC - Accomplished "A tribute to Immortality"
Icecrown Citadel: 12/12 HC - Realm first Heroic Lich King 25man
The Ruby Sanctum: 1/1

Mist of Pandaria:
Mogushan Vault's: 6/6 HC
Heart of Fear: 6/6 HC
Terrace of Endless spring: 4/4 HC
Throne of Thunder: 2/12 Mythic
Siege of Orgrimmar: 14/14 Mythic

Warlords of Draenor - Was top 5 on Tarren Mill a period with Iridescent.
- 7/7M Highmaul
- 10/10M BRF
- 6/13M HFC

- 7/7M EM
- 2/3M ToV
- 3/10M NH
- 3/10M Antorus

As you all can see I got alot of experience. My account got hacked back in cata and I never got it back due to a fake name since I was to young to play wow when I started playing os tought a fake name would be smart. I do have guildnames and my character names if wanted Smile

Do you have any alts or offspecs we can use for progress or that you play in general?

Currently gearing my monk for WW/BM. So I will be able to on that shortly. Also got my SP, but that is pretty low ilvl and alliance.

Quote:Other questions
What are your expectations from us?

I am expecting a guild that are able to get together a solid roster and that will keep high quality on the raiders and the officer team. I hope and believe the roster will bring consumables and be prepared for every raid. I would also like to have fun while I raid.

Do you have anyone in the guild that can vouch for you?

I don't think I have had the pleasure to meet anyone on my short time on Draenor.

Do you have questions for us?

None that I can think of now.

Quote:Personal Information
Tell us about yourself:

I am a 27 year old man that loves video games and golf. I live in Norway with my GF of 8 years and work as a Customer Releationship Manager (tacky title) for a IT company in Norway.

My two big passions are golf and wow. And thank god I am alot better at wow!!

Do you agree to follow the guild rules?

Yes, I Agree.

End of application.

Hey man sorry to tell you we have looked at your app and at this moment in time we have decided to decline your application, we just don't feel like we can give you a fair trial at this moment in time

THanks for your application and good luck finding a guild that better suits your needs