Efkius's Application [Accepted]

Quote:Character Information
Armory Link: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/charac...or/evaldaz
BattleTag: Efkius#2470
Class: Paladin
Spec / Offspec: Ret/Protection
Microphone / Reliable Internet: Yes

Quote:Raid Related
Can you make all our raid days?


Do you have any logs we can take a look at?

Sadly myhic not. Just joined 20 ago to this realm so far had only 3myhic runs. The guild im in right now using personal.

What are your previous raid experiences in Legion and other expansions?

Well small. Started play at Draenor expansion end. Was all the playing in small realm Stormrage so didint have myhtic experience.

Do you have any alts or offspecs we can use for progress or that you play in general?

Have tank offcpecs. Trait lvl 75. In Draenor dont have alts.

Quote:Other questions
What are your expectations from us?

Well hopse can help me have more experience for mythic raids. But just want enjoy wow with guild who always looking forward for progress.

Do you have anyone in the guild that can vouch for you?


Do you have questions for us?

So far no.

Quote:Personal Information
Tell us about yourself:

Evaldas, 23, Lithuania. Living in small city, working ofc but its not gona make problem with time for wow.

Do you agree to follow the guild rules?

Yes, I Agree.

End of application.