Hewn's Application

Quote:Character Information
Armory Link: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/charac.../h%C3%8AWN
BattleTag: Hewn#21682
Class: Warrior
Spec / Offspec: Arms
Microphone / Reliable Internet: Yes

Quote:Raid Related
Can you make all our raid days?


Do you have any logs we can take a look at?


What are your previous raid experiences in Legion and other expansions?

On and off in some expacs due to studies and work.
ZG - Cleared
MC - Cleared
BWL - Cleared

ZA - Cleared
Karazhan- Cleared
Magtheridon- Cleared
Gruul- Cleared
Mount Hyjal - Cleared
Tempest Keep - Cleared
Serpentshrine Cavern- Cleared

Naxx - 10 and 25 cleared
ICC- 10 and 25 cleared
Also had shadowmourne and gladiator on DK in ICC patch.

Barely played anything. Came back to Dragonsoul and cleared it on HC.

MSV/HoF/ToES/ToT- All casually done on normal
SoO- Cleared pre mythic on HC and on mythic after.

Highmaul and BRF - Casual normals
HFC 11/13 M

EN- 7/7 M
NH - 3/10M
ToS - 5/9M

Uldir- 7/8HC

Do you have any alts or offspecs we can use for progress or that you play in general?

I do have 4 other warriors.

Quote:Other questions
What are your expectations from us?

People to enjoy the game with. While having decent progress.

Do you have anyone in the guild that can vouch for you?

Jenypher. (he loves me even if he denies it)

Do you have questions for us?

Why is fury such a shitty spec?

Quote:Personal Information
Tell us about yourself:

Mathias, 26, Norwegian.
Currently taking my degree in electrical engineering.

Proffesional arena tilter.

Do you agree to follow the guild rules?

Yes, I Agree.

End of application.

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